Category: Vacation

Is it worth buying a house in Phuket

Due to the constancy of the Thai currency and the year-round tourist season, foreign citizens prefer to invest in local real estate. It is clear that buying a house in Phuket is profitable: the owner will have a stable income from renting an apartment to tenants. It is also possible to be a contributor to […]

What to take with you to Belokurikha

All of us, going on vacation, ask ourselves the question: what to take with you? The “list of necessities” is always compiled, depending on the place of rest, the season for which we plan our vacation, the age and gender of vacationers. In order not to forget anything important, going to the sanatorium Belokurikha, use […]

The problem of defining the term tourism

The terms “tourism” and “travel” cannot be identified. Firstly, the trip can be short, without an overnight stay, and tourism necessarily involves spending the night outside the house. Secondly, travel is often carried out for the purpose of earning money or changing your place of residence.

Tourism cannot pursue such goals, it assumes the opposite — […]